Study 1 - Deborah

We start with Deborah from the book of Judges in the Old Testament.  She was called a prophetess and Judge.  A prophetess would speak on behalf of the sender (which is God) and would send these messages to others.  In the times of the Old Testament, a Judge would deliver judgement to others. These select people had the authority to decide on controversies, give verdicts, and execute judgments.  This is obviously a strong role in the community. 

Let’s see how she handles this authority.


Deborah Teaching Lesson

Please first access the learning guide by clicking here or by using your printed out copy that was handed out by your group leader.

After you are finished going through the learning guide, please watch the video on Deborah.


5 Takeaways from Deborah

Focus on these this week so that you can see God at work in your life 

1. God has made us capable to lead. 
2. Be honest and truthful with others. But not in a condescending way. 
3. Trust in His plan, even if it’s not your plan. God’s ways are always best! 
4. In all that we do, honor and glorify God in it. 
5. Do not forget to remember and thank God for the blessings we do have.